Altijd spoedig in het afhandelen van zaken
Every aspect of the services we have received from Bierens has been excellent. Alex is a dedicated lawyer who approaches problem solving in an intuitive manner. He has been utterly effective in his fight for our rights, and he is a joy to work with. His heightened commercial awareness and compassion for his clients were evident from the outset. These traits are common among the entire Bierens team, who have demonstrated innovation, breadth of expertise, strategic fluidity and fairness. Clients can trust that Bierens' approach will be considered, ethical and effective. When faced with a problem collecting payment for services, we will look no further—we will simply call Bierens straight away.
We are located in Canada and the debt was in Europe. I found Bierens by internet search and was hesitant due to the distance. They were very professional and communicated regularly on their progress with the case. They were successful in collecting the full amount owing as well as costs associated with the collection process.
Ondanks dat er betaald was ging Bierens gewoon door!! Nu verliezen ze en mag ik alsnog de kosten betalen!!! Echt niet netjes!! Ik geef ze een zaak op vrijdag 17-4-20, mijn klant betaald alles op 21-4-20, hier zit gewoon een weekend tussen meer niet, dus vertel mij maar wat ze hebben gedaan. Ik mag hiervoor € 1548,20 betalen!!! Nu heb ik incasso op mijn dak!!!!
Wij zijn prima geholpen en gedurende de zaak geadviseerd waarmee we uiteindelijk al ons geld hebben terug ontvangen.
Het lukte Bierens helaas niet om de Deense wanbetaler te pakken te krijgen via e-mail of telefoon. Dat getuigd niet van veel doorzettingsvermogen vind ik.
Graag volgende keer meer overleg over af te sluiten betalingsregeling. Zal door Corona wel anders gelopen zijn.
very good experience with Mr. Alex collection the debt from Romanian customer
Weten op effectieve wijze debiteuren te motiveren.
Goede service en snelle reacties op mail en telefoon.
Pleasant and smooth communication, successful settlement, problem-free.
Mr. Yassin is best knowlegable person, i have worked with. Good knowledge, prompt reply, best advice, up to the mark talk and listened me well before advicing. Easy to talk. Best service. I am happy with everything with Mr. Yassin. I would highly recommend him.
Everything was taken care of in a very professional manner and from the outset I had a feeling that my case manager was always on top of things and driving our interest. She provided very good descriptions of the process and the steps and the options in different scenarios. I personally try to give constructive criticism where I can, but in this case I struggle to find anything; the entire experience was overwhelmingly positive!
Uitermate positief : onze opdracht is goed en naar behoren geïncasseerd. Recht door zee, zonder smoesjes maar met een menselijk gezicht. Wij zijn tevreden.
debt collection started February 20 just during covid 19 in Italy and Daniela managed the process stable and professional throughout the Covid 19 period in Italy (lockdown), resulting in a successful result end of July. It was always a pleasure to work with the Bierens Team.
Case started on 25th March 2019 until today 17th July 2020. No results but instead proposing a $1000 per month settlement for a $40,000 case. During the whole process, they are not even proactive. No phone calls, no updates and I have to send them an email to follow up.
Na het inschakelen van Bierens Incasso Advocaten zijn zij direct aan de slag gegaan en hebben zij ons dossier professioneel en correct afgehandeld. Ik ben door hen goed op de hoogte gehouden en binnen enkele weken was het dossier afgehandeld.
Je wordt netjes op de hoogte gehouden van het proces, ook kan je het zelf netjes bijhouden
overzichtelijke online tool voor inzage in dossier(verloop), deskundige vriendelijke en snelle reactie bij contactmomenten. Voortvarende afhandeling van de zaak. Supertevreden, zeker ook over het resultaat! Bedankt, and keep up the good work!
Ms. I. A. of Bierens Group did a great job, recovered the full amount from our UK debtor in a very short period of time. We were kept informed about the status all the time and never had to actively request information. We are more than content with the performance. Thank you very much!
Wat mij zelf niet lukte, was met 2 briefjes van Bierens opgelost!
Han sido varios caso, el de GFF fue largo. Contenta con el trato.
Door op de juiste momenten goed te handelen is het incasso proces goed en snel verlopen.
Bierens verwerkt op een prettige manier ons verzoek tot incasso.
Ishar provided a good support and managed to get the job done in a nice manner. Fully professional and knowledgable.
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