As delicious in my childhood in Belgium, Antwerpen
My Sister told me two weeks ago she found by accident a shop with the big zout licorice... first I couldn't beleave it :-)
But i got the shop-link and orderd 10 x 100 g.. and after a strange parcel traveling.(read below) . finnaly the pakage arrived at my destination near Hannover.
And, yes they taste exactly like in my childhoud, when i was 10 years old.. i love this zout taste very much, but especially in the big ones (5 cm)..
Many thanks. Armin
TStrange Dispath-Tracking via DPD:
I ordered the first time in your shop on 04.03.2021.. and i got a dpd tracking number/link:
There it seems that it s still in NL Oirschot...
But with gps-tracking it seems to be in Berlin ??? (05252044396215)
And this is really strange, because Sehnde/Evern is close to Hannover and so much more close to NL than now Berlin ??
Besides the "Zoots" are really yummy :-) .. I hope to get my kids dreams back ;-)
Could you please check this.
Many thx,