Antwort des Geschäftsinhabers
Annoying that you are having this experience. You had ordered the wrong product and asked to cancel the order. Unfortunately, this was not possible because you had placed the order in the evening Dutch time, customer service was not available and packages are automatically packed and dispatched half an hour after the order is placed.
You reported that you had to pay extra. That's right, we do not charge VAT on an order outside the EU. This is charged by customs in the relevant country. This is stated on our site.
Are there any additional charges for orders outside of the Netherlands?
When ordering products for delivery outside of the Netherlands you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the products reach the specified delivery location. Any additional charges for customs and/or import clearance and other handling charges must be paid by you, as we have no control over these charges.
Sorry you didn't see this. We try to make the ordering process as easy as possible for everyone.