Bad experience
I ordered BMW K frame loop, handlebar and front headlight. For now headlight seems to be undamaged and fine (but i dont conected it and tested it). But othere two are problem.
Frame loop is dented and not simetrical, i cant weld it to the frame becouse ii cant alinged properly to my frame becouse of dent. And if i manage to, it will look like frame is deformed cause like i said loop is dented.
Handlebar package come in damaged condition, and when i taked out plastc package from box, i noticed that handlebar gave multiple deep scraches that dameged painting.
Ok. Things happens sometimes. That why there is customer support and goods return/refund. But not in this case. I contacted their customer support, but i had no response. Its already past 2 weeks. I just wanted tp retur and change bad items for good ones. But it seems that this will not be done.