

molto positiva

precisi veloci merce richiesta

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tutto bene.

Prezzo buono qualità ottima.grazie

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Tienen un gran servicio y una extensa variedad, Felicidades!!!

La compra de refacciones y piezas en el portal es clara y precisa, los procesos de pago y envío de igual forma y la comunicación para los estatus del pedido es oportuna, gracias.

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  • Mantener acuerdos
  • Cuidados posteriores y garantía
  • Conocimiento y artesanía


Il pezzo ordinato era di ottima qualità, nuovo e del colore da me scelto. La cosa negativa è stata dover aspettare 40 giorni per riceverlo e il prezzo a mio avviso un po' caro, per il resto sono soddisfatto. Grazie

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  • Conoscenza e artigianato


Got the package in 3 day's. Perfect 👌

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  • Aftercare and Warranty N/A
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It has been a good experience, I will repeat it in case I need something similar.

Good service, fast and high quality. I received my replacement in the estimated time, not delayed, just on time. Customer service helped me to find the right replacement, without this help I wouldn't have been successful.

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  • Speed/Delivery time N/A
  • Reliability N/A
  • Keeping agreements N/A
  • Aftercare and Warranty N/A
  • Knowledge & Craftsmanship N/A

La scelta dei componenti necessari è stata facile, la consegna è stata nei tempi dichiarati e ok


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  • Comunicazione N/D
  • Velocità/Tempi di consegna N/D
  • Affidabilità N/D
  • Mantenere gli accordi N/D
  • Assistenza post-vendita e garanzia N/D
  • Conoscenza e artigianato N/D


International orders are always a gamble with time and distance and language barriers. I was more than pleased with this order. The webpage had all the parts I needed and clearly showed what was in stock and what was not. (The only difficulty with the web page was figuring out how to turn the vehicle filter off). Communication from Easyparts was quick and very clear about what to expect when a part was not in stock. Then I was very surprised when the part became available earlier than anticipated and my order arrived 2 weeks earlier than they said it would. Travel time from Netherlands to East coast USA was only 3 days. Very happy customer and likely to order again.

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  • Staff N/A
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  • Speed/Delivery time
  • Reliability
  • Keeping agreements
  • Aftercare and Warranty N/A
  • Knowledge & Craftsmanship N/A



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  • Knowledge & Craftsmanship

Very good

The order arrived very quickly :), everything was carefully packed, I recommend it!

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  • Knowledge & Craftsmanship


Tutto corrisponde alla descrizione e in La consegna è rapida, cosa si vuole di più?

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very good

very good

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Wery good

Quick delivery never have no problem vith article.

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rapido e perfetto

Molto soddisfatto per trovare l'articolo e per la veloce consegna

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  • Conoscenza e artigianato


Timely delivery

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  • Aftercare and Warranty
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Punto di riferimento

Ho comprato più pezzi per la mia moto (che non riuscivo a trovare da altre parti), sono arrivati nel tempo indicato e nelle migliori condizioni possibili

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  • Assistenza post-vendita e garanzia
  • Conoscenza e artigianato

Excelent service

When i want parts for my vespa i use this site as a reference! Friendly user, intuitive, has all the exploded parts maps that i need and this makes easier the process of buying. Fast delivery.excelent.

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Nel giro di due giorni ho ricevuto il pezzo che mi serviva, peccato che in magazzino avevano la disponibilità di un solo pezzo perché ne avrei comprato anche un altro.

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  • Assistenza post-vendita e garanzia
  • Conoscenza e artigianato

Spareparts fit for my Aprilia scooter

OEM-quality at a fair pricelevel. Quick delivery.

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It's ok

All Ok

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People are very helpful and their response is very good. All parts are well described and original.

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  • Reliability
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  • Knowledge & Craftsmanship

Reliable and efficient

Reliable and efficient

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  • Communication N/A
  • Speed/Delivery time
  • Reliability N/A
  • Keeping agreements N/A
  • Aftercare and Warranty N/A
  • Knowledge & Craftsmanship N/A


I get my original Peugeot V-Clic parts at ok costs. Extreme rapid delievered on my door,in norway. But,I had to cancel some parts,as last time. Not because they where unavaible, they have a longer delievery time. Wich is acceptable when you know the prosess, so you plan the orderes in advance of emergency. The luxury ideal situation,is all parts when anything brakes.

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  • Knowledge & Craftsmanship

Simple, fast.

No problem at all. The only problem is this review that is only in dutch language.

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  • Aftercare and Warranty
  • Knowledge & Craftsmanship

Bonjour début, excellent service

Rapidité des réponses aux questions, ainsi qu'aux services. Commande conforme et bien emballée. Délai tenu. Juste un peu cher, sur les pièces d'origine. Très satisfait dans l'ensemble. A recommander.

  • Nous recommanderiez-vous? Oui
  • Prix
  • Personnel
  • Qualité
  • Communication
  • Vitesse/délai de livraison
  • Fiabilité
  • Respecter les accords
  • Service après-vente et garantie
  • Connaissance et savoir-faire


Netwerk 130

1446WR Purmerend

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