Communicatie vooraf aan en na de koop was vriendelijk en helder. Contact met Jasmin verliep zeer prettig. Geleverde auto was scherp geprijsd in vergelijking met gelijke modellen en kwam dus ook nog met extra zekerheden. Technisch en optisch was de auto ook helemaal in orde, maar wij kwamen er tijdens de proefrit achter dat het specifieke model toch te krap was voor onze gezinssituatie (ondanks dat we het model vooraf ergens geprobeerd hadden). Daardoor hebben wij de auto retour gedaan, maar dit proces verliep ook zeer prettig en vlot. Als het juiste model dat beter bij ons past ook via Easybuy aangeboden wordt dan zou ik daar zonder twijfel weer gebruik van maken, omdat ik de meerprijs de extra zekerheid (garantie, onderhoudsvrij, aflevering aan huis) dubbel en dwars waard vind.
Nick, Wat een mooie review. Inderdaad jammer dat de auto niet groot genoeg was, maar we hopen dat je snel een passende auto kunt vinden. Met vriendelijke groet, Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
Leuke auto gevonden, weliswaar aan de andere kant van het land. Met easybuy toch kunnen kopen. Pluspunten zijn vooral de proefperiode, onderhoudsvrije periode en de bovag garantie. Easybuy is makkelijk te bereiken en het persoonlijk contact is zeer prettig.
Gertjan, Wat een mooie review, zijn we super blij mee! Veel plezier met je nieuwe auto gewenst. Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
The car was even better than we expected, we loved that It smelled like new even though it was 8 years old. Communication with Auto Track was also very fast and easy. However by not having a Dutch license there were quite a few inconveniences. When i ordered the car from the website i didn't know that you can receive the car at home only with Dutch license. Then when i was informed first time it was not mentioned they will charge me 200€ extra for delivering and also that i have to take full day off from work because they deliver at a random time and you cant know in advance. Of course at the point i found out i could not cancel without loosing the deposit. Additionally because that location was almost 2 hours away i requested that i will be informed in advanced that morning. The driver was not aware and called me one hour before to go pick it up. (i had to rent a car to get there on time). If i knew all of this before ordering the car it would have been more easy to schedule everything without having so many inconveniences for both parties. The whole experience was very stressful but the car was sure worth it My suggestion is when someone is ordering a car it should have an option to select the type of license and only give you the correct option so there are not confusions.
I believe that purchasing a car directly from AutoTrack would be a five-star experience. However, when it comes to financing (as in my case), the process felt somewhat disjointed. After selecting a car, I was redirected to DealerTotaalConcept (DTC) for financing. Unfortunately, this is where things became frustrating. My initial financing request was rejected, and I was asked to fill out another form so they could check with a different bank. Throughout these interactions, it seemed to be forgotten that I had started this process through AutoTrack, which should have been my main point of reference. After waiting for two weeks, I received an unexpected email stating that I had to contact the seller directly—something I had assumed would be handled through AutoTrack. At this point, I was exhausted and decided to call AutoTrack to explain the situation. To my surprise, within an hour, my financing was approved, and I received the contract for signing. This experience taught me that if you're financing a car, it's best to keep AutoTrack informed about any issues to ensure a smoother process. While AutoTrack itself offers a good and well-organized service, the financing experience felt disconnected and inefficient. I hope they improve this aspect to make the process more seamless for future buyers.
Sina, Sorry to hear that the financing process did not went smoothly. We learn from this and contact DTC to see how we can improve this. Nice to see the car is great and we hope you enjoy it very much! with kind regards Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
As an expat.. the guidance and service was beyond my expectations. Bought the car without seeing it. Customer service answered all my questions (almost daily) As with expat life we don't fit in a box - They made it happen Well done AutoTrack EasyBUY
Raymond, Thank you for your great review! Good to hear we could help you. Enjoy your car Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
Afgelopen maand hebben we een auto gekocht bij Easy Buy. Omdat we zelf geen auto hadden, was het lastig om steeds op pad te gaan voor een bezichtiging. Easy Buy bood de perfecte oplossing door de auto bij ons thuis te laten bezorgen. Daarnaast kregen we voldoende bedenktijd, wat erg prettig was aangezien het kopen van een auto een grote beslissing is. Het contact met Easy Buy verliep soepel en vlot, waardoor alles snel geregeld kon worden. Ook wanneer we een verzoek hadden, werd hier direct op ingespeeld. Ik ben ontzettend tevreden en kan Easy Buy aan iedereen aanraden!
Timara, Blij dat we je hebben kunnen helpen, dank voor je mooie review. Mocht er toch wat met de auto aan de hand zijn het komende jaar, dan helpen we je uiteraard zo snel mogelijk. Veel plezier met je nieuwe auto Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
Reliable service and customer support. Personalized information and contact person. Fast and safe delivery of the car. I had no worries buying a second-hand car with all of the guarantees provided.
Amir, Thank you for the review with kind regards Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
It's our first time buying a car completely online. We were a bit sceptical but the experience turned out to be way better than imagined. From the first enquiry call, to placing the order and up to the final delivery day - the communication from AutoTrack EasyBuy was excellent. We were always updated via calls and emails on the order and delivery status and any questions we had was answered. The car was delivered in pristine condition and right on time as planned. Payment method was smooth as well. A great choice indeed!!
Ik waardeer vooral dat het hele proces zonder gedoe verliep, van het online bekijken tot aan de aflevering en de inruiling van mijn oude auto. Het vertrouwen dat ik voelde in deze online aankoop werd meer dan bevestigd. kortom, ik zou deze verkoper absoluut aanbevelen aan iedereen die overweegt een auto online te kopen.
Dank je wel voor je review! Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
Van begin tot eind goede begeleiding en snelle service! Klantgericht.
Martin, Dank je wel voor je review. Veel veilige kilometers gewenst met je nieuwe auto! Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
Voor het eerst online een auto gekocht. Alles verliep heel soepel en was duidelijk. Toen er toch iets mankeerde aan de auto ben ik snel en goed geholpen. Echt een aanrader.
Jocelyn, Dank je wel voor je mooie review en veel plezier met je nieuwe auto! Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
I had a fantastic experience with the company (ai bought the car online on Bynco) from start to finish. I recently purchased a Kia car, and I was impressed with how smoothly the entire process went. The delivery was prompt, and the car arrived in pristine condition—clean and meticulously prepared, which really made a great impression. What stood out the most was the quality of communication throughout the experience. The sales team was attentive, responsive, and genuinely interested in ensuring I found the right vehicle for my needs. They provided detailed information about the car and patiently answered all my questions, which made me feel confident in my decision. I highly recommend this company to anyone looking for a new vehicle!
Reza, Thank you for your great review Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
Makkelijk, goede communicatie.
Claire, Dank je wel vvoor je mooie review Team Autotrack EasyBuy
The personnels from EasyBuy have been very helpful supportive and reachable throughout the entire process of buying the car. They also supported in getting a few items fixed in the car.
Soumalya, Thank You for your nice review Team Autotrack EasyBuy
Ik ben goed geïnformeerd en vond het fijn dat auto track mij altijd persoonlijk te woord heeft gestaan. Het is een fijne partner om te hebben als je weet wat je wil en ik heb er een geweldige auto aan overgehouden.
Elke, Veel fijne kilometers gewenst met je nieuwe auto Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
The assistance during the process and the delivery were very good
Thank you for your great review, we do our utmost for a smooth delivery
Auto op bestelling, heldere communicatie, zeer netjes en correct afgeleverd, geen verbeterpunten.
Dank je wel voor je mooie review!
Prima afhandeling van de verkoop en bezorging. Ook na de verkoop hebben ze nog een aantal.malen contact met mij gehad om te vragen of alles in orde was en of we tevreden waren over de auto. Aftersales is heel erg goed en ze zijn echt belangstellend. Niet zomaar een checklisten afwerken, ze nemen echt de tijd voor je.
Leo, Dank je wel voor je mooie complimenten mte vriendelijke groet, Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
They take care of all the bureaucracy and are quick to answer any question they are asked. Very good service.
Lorenzo, Thank you for your nice review with kind regards Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
It was a smooth honest experience. The car was delivered. No hidden Costs. Very responsive customer support team
Ardeshir Thank you for your review!
The buying process was straightforward, and I appreciate the transparency regarding the car’s condition. Overall, a great experience and I highly recommend this seller for anyone looking for a reliable used vehicle
The service is reliable and makes the car-buying process easier and safer. However, the price of this service is too high. I bought my car for around 16k, but I saw it advertised on another site for 15k. That's quite a difference.
Sadegh Kamaloo, Thank you for your review. You bought the car on AutoTrack EasyBuy with extra guarantees like 12.000 kilometers maintenance free and 12 months BOVAG garantee. The other price doesnot have those guarantees and the car would not be delivered at your house. The aftersales service will be done by AutoTrack EasyBuy, if you have any questions about the car we will be there to help you! Enjoy your new car. Team AutoTrack EasyBuy
The car arrived in good condition, but the problems began when I discovered some issues. I reported these issues and was advised to get a quote from the Hyundai dealership. When I received the quote, I was told to check with the dealership about the warranty. As expected, the warranty didn't cover the broken parts. When I approached them again, they redirected me to Autotrust, which handles warranties but not cases where the car was delivered with broken parts. I am extremely dissatisfied with this service. It's unfortunate because the delivery and presales experience were good. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone, especially expats looking for peace of mind, as I didn't find it here.
We're sorry to hear that you've experienced issues with your car. It is, of course, our responsibility to guide you through this process and ensure everything gets resolved if it falls under warranty. It's unfortunate to hear that this hasn't gone smoothly. You mentioned that a plastic cover wasn't properly fitted and a USB port was missing. Due to a communication misunderstanding, we were under the impression that this had already been resolved, as you submitted a claim and we reimbursed you. Thankfully, we were able to address the situation and have arranged an appointment for you at a nearby garage to have these issues fixed.
Ik ben goed geholpen en alles was erg duidelijk.
Van der Madeweg 40
1114 AM Amsterdam
Jij de perfecte occasion, wij de risico's. Bij AutoTrack EasyBuy (voorheen Bynco) koop je risicovrij een tweedehands auto.
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