

Overall a great experience!

We used Amsterdam Cooking Workshops for a virtual team event and it was a great way to try something new over everyone's love of food. It was so easy that the ingredients were delivered to everyone's house and David was very flexible and patient with my many questions during the planning process. The food was awesome and everyone on the team learned a few new cooking techniques. Thanks David!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Great workshop with a delicious outcome

David gave a workshop to me and my team. Focused on South-East Asian cuisine (there's multiple options), we decided to go for the Indonesian workshop. In teams of 3 we prepared the well-explained recipes and David was hands-on in guiding us and teaching us his tips & tricks (cleaning ginger with a tea spoon?!). Admittedly, being one of the 9 chefs that night, I have to say the outcome was delicious. And easy to prepare for beginners, but tasty and diverse enough for amateur chefs. Overall great experience and I'm already contemplating what excuse I can use to come back soon.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Fun evening out: delicious food and a great atmosphere

We booked a private Vietnamese cooking class with David and loved the experience. It was a nice, intimate vibe. We learned a lot and the food was absolutely delicious, more than we could eat. The recipes were easy to follow and David explained everything very clearly. We had a lot of fun and we'd definitely consider taking another class with David. Highly recommended!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Two American Discover Indonesian Cooking!!

When my friend and I signed up for this cooking class, neither of us were expecting to enjoy it as much as we did! David was a joy to work with scheduling the class and we were happy to just be the 2 of us learning. When we arrived, David spent time explaining his Indonesian roots and his family. It meant a lot to us to hear this and made us really appreciate David's passion for cooking. We first learned about the spices. He guided us through tasting and understanding the importance to the flavor of the finished dish. We then began preparing several dishes from scratch! David was so patient with us and made sure we understood exactly what and why we were doing all of this various prep work. I think this beginner class was perfect for both of us as we had never really eaten Indonesian cuisine. After all of the slicing, dicing, stirring, etc., we sat down to a delightful meal! And, David sent us recipes so we can try all of this at home. He was most helpful in giving us the names of the different spices and places we might find them in the US. Thank you David for a wonderful and delicious evening!!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Awesome time with great food and better company!

Big thanks to David for leading our Indonesian cooking class. Not only did he teach us some phenomenal recipes - but he also give us a really interesting lesson on the history of Indonesia and his own personal connection. The entire class was really fun and personal and the food was amazing. In addition David was really flexible with the dietary restrictions and allergies in our group (of which there were quite a few). I am looking into booking another one of his classes in the future.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Super leuke workshop met een heerlijk resultaat

Ik kreeg als verassing deze kookworkshop en heb er enorm van genoten. David is een leuke host waaraan je merkt dat hij hart heeft voor de Indonesische keuken. Al met al een leuke avond, lekkere gerechten en een aanrader voor anderen.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Great team outing!

We had a workshop with David for one of our team outings and everyone really enjoyed it. We got to cook many different dishes and it was a fun way to do something together after so long. Would totally recommend it!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Heerlijke workshop met gemakkelijke en authentieke recepten die je niet terugvindt bij een toko.

Wij hebben genoten met een groep van 9 personen van de Indonesische workshop. Hele toegankelijke gerechten die alledaags te bereiden zijn. David voelt de groepsdynamiek goed aan en helpt waar dat nodig is. Gebaseerd op zijn eigen ervaring weet hij een hele lekkere rijsttafel samen te stellen. Hij is heel betrokken bij het proces en past zijn gerecht aan op de allergieën en voorkeuren van de groep. Zeker een aanrader!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Super leuk, leerzaam & lekker

Met een groep van 9 mensen hebben we een Indonesische Kookworkshop gehad bij David. De hele avond was goed verzorgd en we hebben heerlijk gekookt. David legde alles goed uit en hielp waar nodig. Hij is een heel fijn persoon en iedereen had het enorm naar zijn zin. Ik zou deze kookworkshop zeker aanraden! Ik kan niet wachten om de gerechten thuis nog een keer te maken :).

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Leuke , gezellige workshop met heerlijke recepten!:)

Leuke uitleg, goede begeleiding en heel fijn dat we de recepten achteraf toegestuurd krijgen!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Well done

Really good experience well done

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

A super fun night - learnt that I am able to cook!! And it's tasty!

We had a work night with David - he was really informative and friendly and we cooked an Indonesian Rice Table. Learnt about some new foods I've not even heard of and new ways to cook - was great fun!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Een aanrader!

Deze kookworkshop was super. Veel geleerd en heerlijk gegeten. David doet het op een leuke ontspannen manier. Hij is een kenner. Vertelt veel en je doet ervaring op met meerdere gerechten. Ik vind dat je echt veel leert en aangemoedigd wordt om zelf aan de slag te gaan. Wij gaan graag voor een herhaling.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Delicious meals preparation in a friendly small group atmosphere

I really enjoyed this workshop, both for the meals that we prepared but also for the family setting. David took the time to explain us every new ingredients, and then has selected very different types of food (soup, pad thai, curry, cold meat...). In a few hours, you can enjoy so much variety ! it's also filled with good vibes as we eat all together at the end and learn to know each other. Although I came alone at this workshop and didn't know what to expect, I felt really welcomed and spent a good time. Definitely recommend it to anyone that loves to cook !!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Een persoonlijke, toegankelijke, leerzame en smakelijke kookworkshop- ervaring!

David gaf een Indonesian workshop aan een klein groepje vrienden en ik vond het gaaf dat hij hem ook vegan kon maken toen ik ernaar vroeg. Hij begon de workshop met een korte presentatie over zichzelf en zijn land van herkomst wat de workshop gelijk een stuk persoonlijker en interactiever maakte. Wij deden een zelfgemaakte-sambal-proeverij en begonnen toen met koken, dus David neemt de tijd. Wij maakten een simpele rijsttafel en aten vervolgens samen, het koken was goed gelukt! We hebben zin om de vervolgcursus/workshop te doen en ik zou dit iedereen aanbevelen die zijn kook-skills binnen een paar uurtjes wil verbeteren. Ook pluspunt: David geeft je aan het einde een lijst met alle recepten en winkels in de buurt waar je de ingrediënten kan halen, dus echte geheimtips die je niet zo maar krijgt :-)

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Great food and a fantastic host!

David is a great guy, really takes time to explane everything and brings you in to the indonesian vibe. The food was absolutely amazing, good quality and fresh products. The email we got afterwards was great to see where we can by all the products we used so we van buy it ourselfs. We had an amazing evening with good company!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

nice (but not enough) food, rushed evening

Het eten was erg lekker - lekkerste pho die we ooit gegeten hebben! Ook fijn dat we daarna de recepten kregen opgestuurd, inclusief tips waar we alles konden halen. Echter was er wel net te weinig eten, met name omdat David zelf ook mee at (wat we niet van tevoren helemaal verwacht hadden). Op zich gezellig, maar dan is het wel vervelend als we alle 4 elke keer meer hadden gewild van elke gang, en dat er daardoor niet genoeg overbleef. Ook voelde het nogal gehaast allemaal, waardoor we niet in alle rust hebben kunnen genieten van de avond. Een half uurtje langer was fijner geweest - of een minder lange intro aan het begin, zodat we langer daadwerkelijk zelf hadden kunnen koken. Als tip zou ik ook willen meegeven om een toetje/koffie aan te bieden op het einde, dat had de avond net wat meer afgemaakt. Dit had niet perse door onszelf gekookt te hoeven worden (aangezien er blijkbaar een vrij strak tijdslimiet op zit), maar een chocolaatje ofzo. Ook moesten we onze QR code laten zien. gelukkig hadden we deze allemaal, en voor ons geen probleem, maar dit was ons niet van tevoren verteld. hou hier dus rekening mee als je een kookworkshop wilt doen.

  • Aanbevelen? Nee

What a brilliant introduction to Indonesian cooking

David is a master! We had a group of 10 to make 20 different courses He talks, he teaches .. he brings the food to life. There is no detail missed and David is a wonderful guide when things go wrong! I would recommend and evening or day course with David without any hesitation All the best folks!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Super fun experience and highly recommended

We were a group of 7 and did the workshop as a team building event. It was a super fun night while cooking and having dinner together. David is the most welcoming host, communications is nice and easy, the food was amazing and easy enough to cook, which makes it easy to have a drink and spend time with each other while cooking . We were all happy to get the recipes and where to buy the list of ingredients, so we can repeat the experience at home:) Highly recommended and we will be back for the Thai experience!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Zeer leuke en leerzame workshop

De workshop is erg leuk en informatief voor zowel de hobby als meer ervaren kok. Erg leuk is dat er ook wat over de herkomst van de gerechten wordt verteld en een uitleg van de ingrediënten. Leuk om te doen met zowel klein als groot gezelschap.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing experience! Lots of fun and extremely tasty!

David workshop was a great, lots of experience and very tasty food. Would highly recommend.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Fun cooking workshop.

We asked David to host a Thai cooking workshop for a group of 14 people. Within the 3.5 hours, my colleagues and myself had learned a lot about the Thai ingredients and cuisines from David. Most importantly, our team had so much fun cooking together. It's a great activity for teambuilding.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Great time with colleagues while tasting delicious Indonesian food!

We took the Indonesian cooking workshop with 12 colleagues and it was a great and fun time! David gave us a nice intro about himself and his passion about cooking, while explaining different flavours we will be using during the workshop. We divided the recipes into small groups and then we sat together to enjoy the different dishes - one better than the other one! Great activity to have some fun and enjoy different and tasty food!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Heerlijke kookcursus!!

Heerlijke kookcursus en dan vooral de advanced!!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Great introduction workshop into the rich Indonesian kitchen

It was a great experience to do this workshop. We did it in a small group of 6 friends, and it was very well organized. Especially also liked the introduction part where we were introduced to the individual ingredients and what flavors they bring to the final dish. Nice to get the recipes afterwards so I can try this at home too.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Company details

9 Blaeustraat

Amsterdam 1012 ZK


[email protected]

About Amsterdam Cooking Workshops

Traditional and modern Indonesian cooking workshops in the historic center of Amsterdam. During our Indonesian cooking workshops our guests learn about Indonesian cooking and Indonesian cuisine, ingredients and Dutch-Indonesian history while preparing a wide range of delicious Indonesian foods. After learning about key ingredients our guests will prepare these Indonesian dishes from scratch with step-by-step instructions from our chefs. Guests can choose a traditional Indonesian essential cooking workshop of 3 hours+, a traditional advanced Indonesian cooking workshop of 4 hours+ or a modern Indonesian cooking workshop of 3 hours+. Guest can also choose whether they prefer to have the cooking workshop at their place or at our place or any other location with a proper kitchen and equipment. We provide our Indonesian cooking workshops and cooking lessons on a daily basis (including weekends!) on different time slots. Take a look at our website to find out more about us and our Indonesian cooking workshops. You can make reservations via our website and also look up recipes of our favorite Indonesian cooking workshop dishes. Hope to see you soon! David - Amsterdam Cooking Workshops

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