

Score: 10

Tout, vous êtes géniaux.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10


  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Excellent customer service, I had some issues with a product and they provided an immediate solution that was great. Really really good.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10


  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Goede producten, veel op voorraad, snelle levering. Gewoon goed

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Out of my many orders there were only a very few where a product was faulty or something else was wrong. Zamnesias customer suppport always reacted to my inquiries within a very short period of time and always was quick and generous in replacing the product without further ado, or in finding another solution. Accidents and mistakes do happen, but that was only in a very few cases of my orders. In 99 percent everything went smooth and without any problem. They do know how to make some happy customers.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 06

Very pleased to see that you are shipping to the UK again… would have been 5 stars but the Salvia cuttings that I ordered had been frozen I think in shipping but I am trying to resurrect them.. they might make it with a lot of luck. Apart from that I’ve always been very pleased with your products and service.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 08

Ze zijn zeer vriendelijk en bij problemen helpen ze je heel graag!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

detailed response.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Great service!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Fantastic customer service! And a really nice webpage to find information about everything you need. Never had problems with the service

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Very good customer service

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Sois los mejores resolviendo problemas y seré cliente por la calidad de los productos aunque en ocasiones algunas veces no resulten

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Great service, Great products, fast delivery,highly recommended

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Customer services again were fantastic. Grow kits themselves are brilliant. Well done zamnesia.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Great experience so far. I had questions at the beginning with the product and setup and the people from support were super helpful. I had three flushes in total. So far haven't tried the shrooms, I am waiting for the right moment. But I believe it will be super good.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Ze liggen nog in ijskast dus kan nog geen review geven want heb ze nog niet geprobeerd

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Wie immer super Service, schneller Versand, und es wird sehr schnell geantwortet. Vollkommen zufrieden, ich habe keine Verbesserungsvorschläge.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

En keksi mitään pahaa. On ollut erinomaisia tuotteita, kaikki toimii ja joka ikinen siemen on lähtenyt kasvamaan

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Samen würden super schnell geliefert. Alle Samen sind aufgegangen. Jetzt warten wir auf die Ernte. Danke an alle bei euch im Team und JAH Guide, Ras Tafar I, Selassie I. Macht genauso weiter, deshalb Farmermann Bau weiter an damit in Deutschland kein Joint ausgehen kann, schlammbadamm.In diesem Sinn.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

All OK,

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Cheap price for the aktitubes, very good and friendly website experience, and overall nice communication via emails etc. Finally, very fast delivery. Will prefer again.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Great and fair service, if other online shops would be like your team, there won’t be any worries. I had a problem with the supa growkit and the Zamnesiateam replaced the kit without any probs.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Very responsive when contacted about any issues, which were resolved very quickly. Very happy with the products.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Score: 10

Great products and fast shipping!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes


JM Keynesplein 10

1066 EP Amsterdam

[email protected]


Op basis van onze ervaringen zien we Zamnesia als een toonaangevende en grootste online smartshop in Europa. Hun assortiment omvat een breed scala aan zorgvuldig geselecteerde producten, waaronder hoogwaardige wietzaadjes, bijzondere kruiden en innovatieve accessoires. De klantgerichte aanpak en de focus op kwaliteit maken Zamnesia een gewaardeerde keuze voor iedereen die op zoek is naar diepgaande ervaringen en nieuwe perspectieven.

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