
For Kiyoh users we have implemented several Features. With these Features we make it extra easy for our customers and the customers of our customers to use, fill in and/or publish reviews. We offer the following modules: Shop Reviews, Product Reviews, Personal Invite link, Easy Click module, XML Feed. Find additional information about each module below.



Star Shop Reviews

Shop review voorbeeld drankdozijn

It all starts with Shop Reviews: when one starts to orientate on making an online purchase, reviews about the supplier are of great added value. Both the consumer and the business oriented buyer want to be sure that they are dealing with a reliable supplier. Reviews reassures them with this. With our Shop Reviews…

  • Your webshop will be found easier within Google;
  • You distinct yourself from your competition;
  • You build trust within the orientation process and the purchase process;
  • You give yourself the opportunity to improve your business management &
  • You have an advantage over your competition


Sign up for Shop Reviews




Star Product Reviews

Product review voorbeeld rum

Where Shop Reviews give reasons to buy from your webshop, Product Reviews give reason to buy your product. The Product Reviews seduce visitors more easily in the orientation process and help them make a faster decision on your webshop. With our Product Reviews…

  • You Receive more orders and fewer returns due to better expectation management;
  • You make your products stand out within Google because of the stars in organic results;
  • You get better insight in your assortment and the wishes of your customer &
  • You can automatically send invitations to the customer togehter with the Shop Reviews.


The Product Reviews can already be used through WooCommerce and Megento plug-ins.

Do you have another webshop system? Then sign up and we’ll look into the possibilities!

Sign up for Product Reviews




Star Personal Invite Link

As the name states, this Feature allows you to send out a personalized invitation. These invitations can be sent through almost all possible communication channels: your mail system, WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook and many other possibilities. This way, you can reach your customers in the way you prefer.

Sign up for the Personal Invite Link




Star Easy Click Module

Our Easy Click Module makes it even easier for the customer to leave a review. In the invitation email itself they can directly give a score with one simple click. With this click they choose the score (1-10) that they consider appropriate based on their experience with the company/brand. This application increases the response rate with an average of 11%.

This module can be linked with all our interfaces.

Sign up for the Easy Click Module




Star XML Feed

With an XML feed you can publish our widget in style of your corporate identity. With this widget you can showcase your score and number of reviews on your website, mailings, invoices or socials. Repetition is key! With this widget you consistently show that you are a reliable party and distinguish yourself from the competition. With the Widget…

  • You guarantee your (potential) customers that they are dealing with a reliable party.
  • Can you consistently show your reliability in your coroporate identity
  • You can style it the way you want; the widget can be adjusted in all kinds of styles with XML Feed


Sign up for the XML Feed